Can you put real hydrangeas on a wedding cake? - can i put hydrangeas on my wedding cake
A friend of mine who goes to my cake to bake and I want to make it less work for them if they do not have. Are they poisonous or would you put on the cake?
Can you put real hydrangeas on a wedding cake? - can i put hydrangeas on my wedding cake
A friend of mine who goes to my cake to bake and I want to make it less work for them if they do not have. Are they poisonous or would you put on the cake?
You can put them in but make sure to break the rod and the ends are plastic tips with water in them at the ends. It will prevent them from wilting.
Hmm ... I saw the previous post, and of course, says a quick search, they are poisonous. Who knows? (supposedly to moderately toxic if swallowed)
Here is an alternative. This site sells decorate cakes and flowers you can buy ready-made pellets. They have all kinds of flowers, including some hydrangeas. ...
Yes, they are good and very pretty.
Hydrenageas I took my cake, so hopefully not TOXIC, haha!
Yes, you can put it in is not so good and take too long, it's not like roses wilt.
Yes, you can put it in is not so good and take too long, it's not like roses wilt.
You can lie down safely on the cake, but wouldnt do it til cake before or shortly before each of the cake for it, see what lean is cooked. But they are beautiful, they come in many colors, and what a great idea!
Is probably working, but not wrong to think, and it looked really cute.
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